domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


Rugby is a contact sport that was born in England.
It is a sport practiced mainly by the British islands (Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales), the English colonies (New Zeland, South Africa, Australia) and in other countries as: France, Argentina, Italy, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
There are 15, 13 or 7 players per team (it depends on the modality that you are playing). Each one has a specific task in the team and if everyone works properly in his own task all the team will progress and reach succed. The objective is to reach te oposite line of the pitch. If you reach that line you score a try wich gives to your team 5 points. It's quite difficult because you just can pass the ball backward (never foward) and the players of the opposite team can tackle you for stop you. Every match lasts 90 min: 40 min ervery half
and 10 min of break beetwin both halfs.
The most  popular tournament is the one called "the 6 nations". Is the one where six of the most popular european nations (France, Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland and Italy) play against each other a little league.

A lot of people think that is a very dangerous and agressive sport. I don't agree with them. I think that soccer is more agressive by the way that players hate each other and the way they talk to the referee. In rugby hardly ever you will see a fight between the players of two teams, and you will never see a dispute between a referee and any player.

My favourite thing of that sport is the "haka" dance originally from Maori dance that some nations, as New Zeland, Tonga or Fiji, do to discourage their opponent. Here I leave the link of the New Zeland's haka, done in 2008 against England. The second video is about a match where both teams had their own haka and they performed their own one but at the same time.

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