domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

New: the end of the strike from the students of the UAB

Los estudiantes ponen fin a su encierro en la Universitat de Barcelona
 Since last wednesday, the UAB (Autonomus University of Barcelona) hasn't been in opperation because of the strike from the students. Yesterday, the strike finished whithout violence. Near a hundred of people has left the University, without the intervention of the police, and has walked until Plaza Catalunya where they have shout that they wanted a public university and that the didn't want a private one. During the day the have discussed the priorities of the students and the movement they will do from now on. Anyway, nothing is clear yet. The students want to pursue the counselor of Economy and the secretary of Universities.

New: Kimi Raikkönen the fastest in Montmelo

Last journey of warm up before the Championship starts has been in Montmelo (Catalunya). Very interesting news, where we notice that Ferrari is improving. All the morning Fernando Alonso has been at the top of the marks until Kimi Raikkönen 5 minutes before the end got the best time. Vettel hasn't been ablen to run more than 23 laps. It seems that he has got problems with the new car and it's chassis. While Lewis Hamilton end up number six. He has run in short periods of time; he was working and testing the new spoiler from McLaren.

Toy Story

Toy Story is a Walt Disney Pixar films in wich the toys have got their own life while humans can't see them. The first film is about jealous. Woody is the favourite toy from a boy (Andy) but once Andy gets the present of a new toy Buzz. Andy starts to play much more with Buzz and that is why Woody is jealous of Buzz. However as it is a Disney film, at the end everybody is friend of everybody.
I talk about that film because I have seen it a hundred of time when I was young and it has been my favourite film for years.

The trailer of the first film of Toy Story:                                  

The Neverending Story

The Nevereding Story is a German fantasy novel published the first time in 1979 by Michael Ende.
The major part of the story takes part on the parallel  world of fantasy in wich a boy called Atreyu tries to save the world of Fantasy and its empress. The real story is about a boy called Bastian that has stolen a book and he is reading the story of Atreyu. I won't tell you anithing else because it is one of the best books I have ever read and it is worth to read it. I admire this writter because of his imagination and the way he wrote the book. Most of the people think that it is an easy book for children but it actually isn't.
Those snakes of the photo are the symbol of a chain (AURYN) given by the empress to Atreyu.

A weekend skiing

Two or three weekends ago, me and some friends of the class went on a trip to Andorra. I really amused these days. We went by bus and because the driver wasn't paying attention it took four hours instead of three. When we reached Andorra everyboby was excited and first thing we did was renting some skis for us. The sky slopes were quite good. By the way, I was expecting much more ice than we had. We can't complain aout that, but we can about the temperature. It was freezing; the three days we had below -10ºC! I am very happy that we went there. As I said we had a great time even though some people had some unfortunate accidents (one boy broke his arm, another girl sprain her knee, and another one got an hypothermia). However, I am happy I went because I learnt to jump! I fell a lot of times and sometimes I thought I had injured myself but it was worth to fell because it is the way you learn.
I love skiing and I hope one day I will be able togo somewhere in Canada to practice!

Peter Jackson

Sir Peter Robert Jackson was born in 1961 (New Zeland). He is a film director, producer and screenwriter; and as a good one; he has won Oscars, Golden Globes and BAFTA prizes.
He saw King Kong at the age of nine, and since then he has always wanted to be a film director. He started when he was young with a little camera that he got as a present. His first film in 1987 was Bad Taste. A short film that was called for the Cannes Festival. That was his path to the world of Hollywood. He has made a lot of films. The most known are The lord of the rings I, II and III. He has also made District 9, Lovely Bones, King Kong and Heavenly Creatures. Right now he is working in both parts of "The Hobbit". A film that is a previous story from The lord of the rings. His films have won an amount of 20 Oscars, 11 BAFTA prizes and 4 Golden Globe. 
I like him as a film director because is one of those that if he starts something, he doesn't finish until he knows he has done all that he could to do a good and extraordinary film.

Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters is a Alternative Rock and Hard Rock band from Seattle, USA.
It was created by Dave Grohl in 1995; the older batery of Nirvana and Scream, the actual singer and guitarist of the group. He said that if he would have known that the band was going to reach that amount of succes, he wouldn't have put that name to tha band. The other components of the group are: Chris Shiflett (Guitar), Taylor Hawkins (Batery) and Nate Mendel (Bass).
Between 1995 and 1997 Dave started to record some songs. He played all the instruments in all of his songs. Sometimes he was helped by his friend Grg Dulli. In 1997 he looked for his partners and they made their  album the colour and the shape. They put on sale their third album There is nothing left to lose in 1999. Between 2002 and 2005 they worked on their album One by One, which helped them to reconigse the band of one  of the most important bands of alternative rock. They have also created In your Honor, Skin and Bones, and their lastest album is Wasting Light, the one that they finshed in 2011.
The band has won some reconisements and made a lot of hits all over the world. Some of them are:  The Pretender, These Days, All my Life, Wheels and Everlong.
My favourite songs are:
All my life:
The Pretender:


Rugby is a contact sport that was born in England.
It is a sport practiced mainly by the British islands (Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales), the English colonies (New Zeland, South Africa, Australia) and in other countries as: France, Argentina, Italy, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
There are 15, 13 or 7 players per team (it depends on the modality that you are playing). Each one has a specific task in the team and if everyone works properly in his own task all the team will progress and reach succed. The objective is to reach te oposite line of the pitch. If you reach that line you score a try wich gives to your team 5 points. It's quite difficult because you just can pass the ball backward (never foward) and the players of the opposite team can tackle you for stop you. Every match lasts 90 min: 40 min ervery half
and 10 min of break beetwin both halfs.
The most  popular tournament is the one called "the 6 nations". Is the one where six of the most popular european nations (France, Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland and Italy) play against each other a little league.

A lot of people think that is a very dangerous and agressive sport. I don't agree with them. I think that soccer is more agressive by the way that players hate each other and the way they talk to the referee. In rugby hardly ever you will see a fight between the players of two teams, and you will never see a dispute between a referee and any player.

My favourite thing of that sport is the "haka" dance originally from Maori dance that some nations, as New Zeland, Tonga or Fiji, do to discourage their opponent. Here I leave the link of the New Zeland's haka, done in 2008 against England. The second video is about a match where both teams had their own haka and they performed their own one but at the same time.

Oral Presentation II

In my oral presentation I talked i talked about my country. Particularly about the Italian Gastronomy.
I chose that topic because most of the people thinks that the main plates are pasta and pizza, while meet and vegetables are very important in the Italian diet. As computers aren't my speciality, I haven't found how to post my Power Point. However, I live a link of a recording where I explain everything:

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar

Mr. Edgar is my neighbour. I know him since I was three years old and he is very old now. He used to be tall but now, with the heavy weight of the years, he is not even as tall as me. His hair has become rey and he needs glasses. He used to play squash so now his knees are injured and he needs a wood walking stick. He is a very strange person. He rarely leaves home and, when he he does, is with his friendly dog, whose name is "Fuffy". It is a huge but cheerful dog. When I meet him, I always salute him because I feel an enormous respect towards him (he survived the second world war). However, I always get a bad mooded "hello" or simply a grunt as an answer. He loves spending his afternoons watching black and white films on T.V.
Every Sunday his daughter, who is very pretty, visits him. I don't know why she is still going because almost every Sunday the end up shouting each other.
My other neighbour is Mrs. Edgar. She used to be Mr. Edgar's wife but they are now divorced.
Even though  she is quite old, she is fit and she still keeps her blond hair.  She is not hunchbacked but she is not tall either. Unlike her old husband she is a woman full of energy, life and positive power; but anyway, she is also a kind of strange person. She loves nature and she has a huge garden full of exotic plants and weird trees. When you enter there tou feel free and it seems that you are in the middle of the jungle. What is more, she also love animals. That is why she has three cats, two turtles and five different parrots. She spends all time taking care of her animal and garden. She is an excellent cooker. That explains why her daughter has lunch there almost every day.
Sally is my girlfriend and she wants me to arrange a meeting with her parents. There is just one problem. She is the daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. I supose that the day of the meeting will be a legendary day.