domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Final Reflection

My English progress from 2011-2013

I must say that my English has improved along this two years. I already had a high level but there were still some details missing to make it better (I don't mean it is perfect now because you will never stop learning a lenguage). However it has improved mainly in vocaboulary. I have learned new words (a lot of them studying the proverbs and a few more doing my blog).
I also must say that I finaly have cleared all my doubts about all kind of writings. I often had problems to diferentiate a discussion from an opinion or a description. Now, I know how to write both formal and informal letters.
My main objective, right now, is to focus in my spelling mistakes and ,of course, keep learning vocaboulary.

My English competence in 2013

I hope my English competence will be entirely useful. I already have the First Certificate (which is asked to get a degree here in Spain), and this summer I will try to go for the Advanced CAE.
I presume that my English is good

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

NEW: Rafael Nadal winner of the Madrid Master's 1000

Rafael Nadal became the champion of the Master's 1000 from Madrid after beating Wawrinka in two sets: 6-2 6-4. With this title, Nadal has now three Master's 1000 from Madrid (2005' 2010' and 2013'). The spanish won the match in one hour twenty minutes after beating the swiss player quite easily. Everything went as expected. It was the 9th time that both players played against each other, and by 9th time Nadal won the match.

I don't like Nadal very much, but I must say that he is a great tennis player and I must admit he is one of the best (if not the best) players in clay surface.

NEW: Juventus, the champion; Napoli, celebrates the Champions League; Sienna, descends to the Serie B.

Juventus celebra el título con un empateJuventus celebrated last week the championship of the "Serie A". They finished the match with a draw but mathematicaly they are already champions. After so many years, finaly the Juventus has been able to get again the prestige it use to have.
The Napoli has become a new team in the Champions League. With Edinson Cavani as the star, he and his team entered in the classification after beating the Sienna who is now condemnate to play the "Serie B" next season. Right now, the fight in the Italian league is centred in the 3rd, 4th and 5th place. In the third place, Milan is trying to concervate it and be able to play the Champions League the next season. While the Fiorentina and the Udinese still have the possibility of getting the third place by winning the next matches.

NEW: Gunfire in New Orleans

A gunfire took place in New Orleans while the celebrations of the day of the mother. At least 17 people got injured and 3 of them were hospitalized with very serious injuries. However, it is said that there aren't any mortal victim.  The police is still looking for the suspects.
[foto de la noticia]Everything was normal. Around 200 people was listening to a Jazz concert when the gunfire started. Nobody has been arrested but the police is looking for two or three suspects that might be related to the facts.

Your Say: Game of Thrones

Games of Thrones is a serie TV that I have started to watch relatively soon. It has been a serie taken from a saga of 7 books. I have only seen 5 chapters and I can ensure that the TV serie is as good as people say. It is quite cruel and very confusing to follow (at the beginning). But it has the clue and key to make an espectator keep watching it: the mistery. There is a wall, an enormous wall , made of ice and that it is secured by soldiers. I don't know how will it end but I think that everithing will change in a few chapters. I mean that in the just 5 chapters that I have seen a lot of people die and I think that the directors do not have any prejudices at the time of make someone die.
I hope that this TV serie won't disapoint me.

USA here I go

Next year I will go to USA. Why? Because I will go to study there with the luck that I got a schoolarship thanks to my tennis. Right now I'm doing my last papers before being able to go to there. I have taken all the exams I needed, I got in touch with an university that offered me an opportunity that I won't let her go. I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I belief that it will be a great opcion. I hope it will be a great experience. I think I will have great stay.
I will study Business Administration, something very recognised in that country. Even though I am very excited I also have some doubts and feel very nervous, as I said.

Your Say: Is "The Great Gatsby" the continue of "Titanic"?

The gossips are that the new film: "The Great Gatsby", is the continuation of the famous film: "Titanic". In the known film Titanic, Jack Dawson is a poor guy that falls in love with a wonderful, beautiful and rich girl. But is an impossible love and it ends as a tragedy. Jack Dawson after the sinking of the Titanic, dies drowned in the sea. At least, this is the story that in the film is shown. But in the new film "The Great Gatsby" it seems that Leonardo di Caprio (actor as Jack Dawson and Gatsby) is the same person. It is said that Gatsby is waiting for his great love (rumors say she is Rose, the  from Titanic). But he will end drowned again, in the swiming pool.

NEW: Farewell Ferguson

Man Utd celebrate with the Premier League trophyAlex Ferguson, the manager of the Manchester United along 26 years, is going to retire after the end of this season. He won today his last match as the manager against Swansea FC. The score was 2-1. In this match also, a legend of the club, Paul Scholes played his last match in the red team.
Alex Ferguson will pass to the history as a legend. He gave to the team after 26 years 38 titles! After the match Paul Scholes and himself siad some words to the Manchester United followers and after that both of them ended their career, one as a player and the other one as the manager.

NEW: Barcelona, winner

El Barcelona, campeónFC. Barcelona has won the BBVA spanish league of futbol today. He celebrated it in the "Vicente Calderon" stadium after beating the "Atletico de Madrid" team 2-1. It has been a dificult match for the blue and red team. First of all, they started loosing after a goal from Falcao. Then they had to play with only 10 players: Messi got injured in the second half and Tito had already done the three changes so he found himself with no way of equalize the match. But sudenly Alexis scoared the first goal for Barcelona and then, the Barcelona FC. had the luck that a defender from the red and white team scoared a goal in his own goal. Barcelona, almost without wanting it, got his 22nd title, his fourth one in five years and the first one from Tito Vilanova. 

NEW: Alonso, winner of Spain GP

Today Fernando Alonso got a wonderful race. He won the Catalonia's prize and that one is his 32nd victory of his career. He managed to break the statistics wich said that nobody has been able to won the Catalonia's prize beginning upper than the third place. Alonso in just fourteen laps was in the first position. Firstly he passed Hamilton and Raikkonen in the first bend. Then he reached the second place after overtacking Vettel with the tactic of getting in boxes one lap before him. He could, thanks to the DRS, pass Rosberg in the straight. But after this, the race wasn't finished, there were a lot of laps remaining. Along the rest of the race, Alonso had a battle for the first place against Raikkonen. Finally the first place was for Alonso, the second and third place were for Raikkonen and Massa. Vettel, the actual pilot with more points, ended in the 4th placed.

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

New: Is Rafael Nadal back?

Last week, after the injury that keeped him away for more than two months, Rafael Nadal achieved the victory against the also Spanish player David Ferrer. The final of the Acapulco's tournament became very easy for the actual number 3 of the world. He won 6-0 6-2, something unexpected. He now has won 52 prizes along his professional career and 38 out of them had been won on clay's surface. So he still remains as the king.
Eventhough David Ferrer had won the last three years the Mexican tournament, this year the player from Menorca has defeated David very strongly and David didn't get any chance. He barely won 13 points in the first set.
Rafael Nadal has said that he has played one of the best matches of his career and that he hopes he is back in fit to recoer his higher level again.
With this victory he gets the third place between the players that have won the most number of titles in clay, but it is the baggage which says that he is really the king of the clay: he has won 266 matches while he has lost only 20.

I hope he will be back this season. I don't like it much, but I love how he fights for every ball of the match and I miss the big historical matches against Roger Federer or Novack Djockovik.

New: Oscar's 2013

Las Sunday, the 24th of February an anual festival took place: the Oscar's Awards. This year the winners have been very varied and surprising for a lot of people.
The Oscars, also known as the Academy Awards, is an Award that the "ACademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences" gives to the professionals to the film industry. There are plenty of varieties to be able to win an Oscar: starting by "the best film", "the best actor/tress"... until "the best make up and hairstyle"

This year the winners are:
-The best film: "Argo"
-The best director: "Ang Lee" director of "The life of Pi"
-The best actor: "Daniel Day Lewis" in the film "Lincoln"
-The best actress: "Jennifer Lawrence" in the film "Silver Linings Playbook"
-The best secondary actor: "Christoph Waltz" in the film of "Django"
-The best secondary actress: "Anne Hathaway" in the film "Les Miserables"

I have to say that I feel disapointed, I though that there were better films that could get the prize of the best film. In my opinion they choose that film just because of the topic they didn't really focused in the innovations or in the work of every film. However I am quite pleased with the other winners.

Oral Presentation

My oral presentation is about my research project. I did it about the resolution of mathematical problems and I explain a little synopsis of it.

The link of the video is this one:


Drive is a film sent out two years ago which had a lot of audience. It was directed by a Danish director: Nicolas Winding, and there was plenty of good actors and actress such as; Ryan Gosling (as Driver), Carey Mulligan (as Irene), Oscar Isaac (as Standard)...
It was inspired in the book of  James Sallis with the same name.

The unnamed Driver works as a mechanic and as a driver stuntman in films. He also does a secret job as a gateway driver with the help of Shannon (his boss). One day he will meet his neighbors: Irene and her son Benizio. He won't be able to avoid to fall in love with Irene, but her husband got in trouble with some people in the prision and the Driver will try to help him because he doesn't want to put in danger Irene and Benizio.

According to me the best featur of the film is the dialogue. I think that Hossein Amini has done a wonderful and amaizing work.
Another remarcable feature, is the soundtrack. This film has won some awards thanks to the work of Cliff Martince (the sound )

Internet empowers people to make a better world

Is Internet as good and helpful as people think?
Well, it has to be said that internet is a very powerful tool nowadays. It is a fast way of sending information, papers and anybody can be linked at any time.
However, according to my point of view, tere are a few companies and people behind this tool making money and profit of it. They can actually control us. They are pulling our leg.
Internet seems to be somewhere where anybody can say anithing. But, is it true? I belief not. And what's more, people tends to abuse of it and exagerate the information to the point that people spend most of their time in front of their computer.
We are wasting our time, loosing our lifein front of our screen and looking for just superflual and needless things. We are missing the good things of life and we won't be able to enjoy it as we should just using internet.

Internet didn't showed us how to run, or how to jump, or not even to love, but it has showed us how to lie. 

New: "The Hobbit: an unexpected journey" has made 1Billion $

It's official, the film "The Hobbit: An unnespected journey" sent out the last December has already made 1 billion dollars in the box office. The director Peter Jackson has already achieved glory. He did it once with the three films of "The Lord of the Rings" and he has succed again with the first part of his new trilogy of "The Hobbit".

"The Hobbit" is actually the first part of "The Lord of the Rings". We could say that Peter Jackson is now doing something simillar to George Lucas withs the saga of "Star Wars".  
It is the story of how a hobbit, a very traditional hobbit, can become someone very fearless and how he will help to the dwarves to get their kingdom back because a dragon (Smauk) has conquered it.

I belief that Peter Jackson has done a wonderful work and I have to admit that I was very surprised and amazed because my espectatives were quite poor. I am a great fan of "The Lord of the Rings" and I was afraid that "The Hobbit" wasn't up to par. Fortunatelly, it has become a real succes.

Peter Jackson has said that he is dreaming with the day that everyone will be able to have the three films of "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" in one USB and that we will be able to watch the six films in 48hours.

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

The resolution of mathematical problems

My research project is a compilation of certain maths problems. Some of them where picked from the IMO (International MAthematical Olympiad) or others from other places like the Lowel Putnam or the Bachillerat Olympiad. 
In orther to solve them, the study of theorems and new formulaes  were required. The first part of the project is a compilation or glossary that gathers all the formulaes and theorems used.
The second part shows all the problems solved step by step. Each one has a reference to the formulaes used to the formulaes used to understand which one was used in each problem. 

R.Madrid defeats F.C.Barcelona

This Saturday the futbol team Real Madrid has defeated the F.C.Barcelona 2-1 in the Camp Nou Stadium. After 85 minutes playing the score still was 1-1(Benzema scored first and then Messi scored for the Barcelona so the match remained equalized again) but it hasn't been until the minute 86th when Segio Ramos, the captain, scored the third goal, the second for the white team. 

According to me, it has been a very poor match. The first part has been acceptable, both teams did a good performance and scored one goal each one.  But the second half was very boring. Every 10 seconds there was a player on the ground, both teams were doing faults and the referee had to take part in the match very often. He showed around 7 yellow cards and it became a dirty match. In the minute 86th the match got decided. 
But in the minute 92nd the Barcelona got a clear penalty that the referee didn't whistle and it has became a polemical action. Because of that the referee showed a red card to the F.C.Barcelona's goal kepper: Victor Valdès. 

Zara's New

Since 2011 Greenpeace is trying to eliminate hazardous chemicals from the supply chain of Zara. But it is just now that Zara has committed to get rid of those chemicals by the year 2020.
The Detox commitment is not just good for the environment (which it is also good); it is a breakthrough for the public's right to know what is going behind all these big factories and what secrets do they keep in the shadow.
In my opinion I think that Greenpeace is doing a great job. I think that the new society is killing the world with this policy of the consumism and I belive that we have to do something to preserve our world and do not murder it.

Hazardous: tòxic, perillòs

Committed: promés

Breakthrough: via, ruptura

My friend Joan

Joan is my best friend. He is from Barcelona and I only can meet him in summer holidays and sometimes in Christmas. I know him because of the tennnis. He used to play in my club few years ago. Now he is studying his second year in the Uniersity. He is one year older than me (he is nineteen years old), so sometimes I think about him as my old brother.
Joan isn't a tall guy but neither a short one we could say he has a standard heigh. He has black curly hair but he usually wears it quite short so you can't appreciate his affro style. He is brown-eyed and he has a characteristic big nose. Because of the sport he is quite broad shouldered.
Joan is a very open-minded person, he likes trying new things and he likes to challenge himself. He has some friends in England and he usually spends part of the summer somewhere in the island, near Manchester. He also is very hardworking and he is very sportif. I like to go running with him, he knows what to do to motivate me. He is extremely sociable, he gets on very well with all my friends here and they think that he is a very happy and amable guy.
In my opinion, Joan is not just a friend, is like a brother that knows how to deal with me and I kind of admire him. I really had great moments next to him and I hope that we will keep in touch even though we don't see each other very often.