lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

We can't live without humor

"Live is not long enough to be taken very seriously".

This sentence makes you wonder how are you living your life. You don't have to interpret wrongly the sentence because it doesn't mean that we don't have to care about anything or that we have to be messing around the whole time. However, there is a limit; we all have that grumpy uncle or grandfather in our family that never stands a joke and is always in a bad mood and angry with himself and every single person that talks to him.
Anyway, even the most serious man in the world laughed once in his life, and I bet that this laugh gived him a hot feeling of confidence, freedom and peace that he will neither forget nor regret. Thus, the point isn't really to have fun and be laughing every moment, the real point is to enjoy those moments that comfort you like a smile, a joke or even a happy look from someone. These moments will bring happiness and delight to your soul.

So it is kind of certain that we can't live without humor.

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