miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Final Reflection

I'm new in this school, so there are a lot of new things that I've learned. In English class we had two different teachers along the year. My improvement along this year it has been very small. It isn't the fault of the teachers (we shouldn't even think of that possibility), it's just that I kept up with the same level. (I spent last year in Ireland and I did a big progress so that year has been perfect to keep practising my english -written and spoken-). What I love to do in english is talking. However, I get nervous really easy and I do a lot of silly mistakes! So I've got to say that the activity that shows my best ability in english is the writing. I belive that the oral presantations helps a lot to everybody. On one hand, it makes you to improve your english, searchng new words in internet and learning new technical words (It increases your vocaboulary). On the other hand, it helps people to lose their shame and makes you to contrl your own nerves. I think that this is realy usefull. I also apreciate the conversations that I had in english with my teachers, that helpe me a lot to keep my level and the fluency I got in Ireland. I found completly unnecessary the blog we did along the year. It takes a lot of time and it would be much better if we did those writtings at home and we could handed them to the teacher. I also think that teachers shoud give us a topic to write about, not just asking us to write 6 your-say, and 3 news that they are really easy to copy from intrnet (BBC news). I also think that the class on Mondays that he have been doing along the year at the lenguage roo has been a waste of time. Noone has really took advantage of those classes (The only thing that was worth doing on that class was talk to Rebecca but she left before ending course). The system is not  bad one, I think there are some things that have to be rotouched (as the blog!)  

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