jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

International Trail of "Cap de Creus"

234_Trail_Roses.JPGThe International Trail of "Cap the Creus" is a race organized by klassmark and that it goes all around the "Cap de Creus". I am writting about it because I did 5 weeks ago! There were a lot of people from a lot of places all around Spain and France. We were all together between 600 and 650. There were three diferent races. The first one was 12km long. The first classified did it in a little more than an hour. The second race was 24km long. The winner did it in two hours and eleven minutes. The third and last race was huge. It was 42km long and it took the racers until "Cadaquès" and "Port de la Selva". The start and end of all of them was the harbour of Roses. I did the second race (24km) I got classed 89 out of 321; and the 4th of runners bellow 18 years old. I did it with two more friends from Roses and we are very proud about what we did! Now, the two days after the race I got stiffness on my legs and I hadn't been able to move properly. Also, it was very dangerous. I saw some runners who had injuries and one of them had been picked up during the race with the helicopter because he fall and he injured his head. However, it has been worth doing it because it was a wonderful and amazing experience and I am already looking foward the next one in 2013! Even though that it was very dangerous. I saw some runners who had injuries and one of them had been picked up during the race with the helicopter because he fall and he injured his head.

Here the link of the website: http://trailcapdecreus.com/index.php
In the third photo, the one in blue is my friend.

"Sant Pere de Rhodes"

"Sant Pere de Rhodes" is a monestry set in the "Alt Empordà". It is at the very top of a mountain of the "Cap the Creus". I love that place because it has some impresive and amazing views, mainly the sunset when everithing looks golden. When you see those views, you feel free and an emotion of peace borns inside of you. Even more when you get there by bike. I usually do that way by bike (it takes me about two hours to get up there anb ten minutes to get back down) and it is very tiring. It is a cultural place as this monestry was built in the eleventh century. At first it was in ruins, but nowadays they have repaired and rebiulded it. There are also a lot of tourists, because a lot of touristic buses go there. It is easy to get there  as it is between Roses, Vilajuiga, Cadaquès and Port de la Selva.

In fact, I love going there on weekends by bike, and I think that those moments are the most wonderful moments in my life.